You've Got Long, Long Legs/and Big Green Eyes/when You Look at Me Baby/oh I Get Hypnotized

Dirty harry de.svg

Sociology? Oh, yous'll get in — that's if you live ... Only don't let your college degree get you killed 'crusade I'k liable to get killed along with ya.

When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.

I know what y'all're thinking. "Did he burn down half dozen shots or just five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost runway myself. Merely being as this is a .44 Magnum, the near powerful handgun in the world, and would accident your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself i question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?

Dirty Harry is a 1971 pic about a San Francisco cop with trivial regard for rules, but who always gets results, tracking down a serial killer who snipes at random victims.

Directed by Don Siegel. Written by Harry Julian Fink, Rita Chiliad. Fink, Dean Riesner, Terrence Malick (uncredited), and John Milius (uncredited).

Yous don't assign him to murder cases, You just turn him loose.[taglines]

Harry Callahan [edit]

  • You gotta be kidding. I don't got any time to break in any newcomers. Why don't you exercise this boy a favor ... if I need a partner, I'll become me someone who knows what the hell he's doin'.
  • [to Gonzalez] Folklore? Oh, you lot'll make it — that's if you live ... Only don't let your higher caste get y'all killed 'cause I'm liable to get killed along with ya.
  • Now you know why they telephone call me "Muddied Harry". I get every muddy job that comes along.
  • Gonzalez was obeying orders from his superior, me ... he didn't know anything about information technology. And when this mess is over, if he [the Principal] wants my bluecoat, well, he tin can have that also.

Chico Gonzalez [edit]

  • No wonder they phone call him Dirty Harry. Always get the shit-end of the stick.

Scorpio Killer [edit]

  • [in note to the mayor] To the Metropolis of San Francisco, I will savor killing one person every solar day until you pay me 1 hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). If you concord say so tomorrow morning in Personal Cavalcade San Francisco Relate and I will set up meeting. If I exercise non hear from you it will exist my adjacent pleasure to impale a Cosmic priest or a nigger. Scorpio
  • [in a letter] The double-crossing San Francisco police fabricated me practice this. At present ransom $200,000 in used 10s and 20s. Ane homo with yellow bag, southward side, Marina Dark-green, Eastward Harbor, 9 thousand., she has oxygen until 3 a.yard. tomorrow morn, red panties and bra, nice tits, mole on left thigh. Anything cute and you'll strength me to let girl dice of dull suffocation. Scorpio
  • [to Callahan, on the phone] If I even remember you're being followed, the daughter dies. If you talk to anyone, I don't care if information technology's a Pekinese pissing against a lamppost, the daughter dies ... No car. I give you a certain corporeality of time to get from telephone booth to phone booth. I ring four times. You don't answer past the fourth ring, I hang upwards and that's the terminate of the game. The daughter dies ... Cop! ... I promise you lot're non stupid.
  • [to Callahan] Left hand. Let's see the gun.[Harry pulls out his .44 Magnum] My! That'south a big i.
  • [to Callahan] No, don't laissez passer out on me now cop! No, no, no, no, no, not yet, not nonetheless, don't pass out on me still you rotten oinker! Do nosotros understand each other? I said exercise we understand each other? (Harry nods) Okay, now listen up cop, I changed my listen. I'yard going to let her die, I merely wanted you to know that. You hear me? I only wanted you to know that before I killed you lot![laughs crazily] Adieu, Callahan!
  • [in the infirmary, with a battered face up] They tried to frame me with the Deacon girl murder, and now they're trying to murder me — and await at me, simply look at me. I'thousand supposed to exist innocent until proven guilty and merely await at what they did to me. Everywhere I go, cops follow me — and simply look at me.
  • [to a school bus commuter] Hear me, you old hag, I'g telling you to drive or I'll decorate this bus with your brains.
  • [in a note] To the Metropolis of San Francisco — You take double-crossed me for the final time. I'm alarm you lot to have my $200,000 dollars and a jet airplane ready and waiting. I will telephone call the Mayor's Office at one o'clock and tell you about the hostages who I will exist happy to impale if you don't exercise exactly what I say. Scorpio.
  • [final word to Callahan as he threatens to kill a young male child fishing] Drop the gun, pitter-patter! I'll blow his brains out! [chuckles evilly] Drop the fucking gun!

Others [edit]

  • Mayor: The City of San Francisco does not pay criminals not to commit crimes. Instead, we pay a constabulary department.
  • Lt. Al Bressler: Just go where you lot're told, do what you're told, play it straight down the line ... Null cute, nothing fancy. Just pay the bribe money and report back here.

Dialogue [edit]

Mayor: All right, let's take information technology.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Have what?
Mayor: Your written report. What take y'all been doing?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Oh, well for the past three quarters of an hour, I have been sitting on my donkey in your outer role, waiting on you.
Lt. Al Bressler: Dammit all, Harry, that'southward the Mayor you're talking to! ...
Mayor: Won't you sit downward Inspector Callahan? ... There'due south a madman loose, I've asked y'all what's being washed, off-white plenty?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Nosotros've got a dozen men checking identification files, checking on all known extortionists, roof top prowlers, rifle nuts, peepers..
Lt. Al Bressler: Mr. Mayor — nosotros've arranged for rooftop surveillance and helicopter patrols especially around the Catholic churches and schools and in the black areas.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Ballistics is checking on the slug. We're pretty sure it's a .30-06, seven lands and grooves, right-manus twist ...
Lt. Al Bressler: Sir — we're running a estimator check on everybody in the files whose altogether falls between October 23rd and Nov 21st.
Mayor: Why?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Natives of Scorpio.
Mayor: Thanks Inspector. Have any of you mentioned this note to anyone? How about you? (looking at Callahan)
Insp. Harry Callahan: Nobody.
Mayor: Your wife, sweetheart, ... press?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Nobody.
Mayor: All right. Give the bulletin to the Chronicle. We'll agree to pay, but nosotros'll tell him nosotros need fourth dimension to get the money together.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Expect a minute. Do I get this right? You're gonna play this pitter-patter'south game?
Mayor: It'll get u.s.a. more than breathing space.
Insp. Harry Callahan: It also might get somebody killed. Why don't you lot permit me see with the son-of-a-bowwow?
Chief: No, none of that. You'd end upwardly with a real blood-bath.
Mayor: I concur with the Chief. We'll exercise it this way, all correct?
Lt. Al Bressler: Thank you lot Mr. Mayor. Come on Callahan, let'south get.
Mayor: (calls out) Callahan.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Sir?
Mayor: I don't want any more trouble like y'all had concluding year in the Fillmore Commune. Sympathise? That's my policy.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Yeah, well, when an developed male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard; that's my policy.
Mayor: Intent? How did yous constitute that?
Insp. Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through an aisle with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.
Mayor: [afterward Callahan has left] I think he'due south got a signal.

[Harry visits his favorite diner]
Insp. Harry Callahan: Hey in that location, Jaffe; the usual.
Jaffe: The usual luncheon or the usual dinner?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Well, what divergence does that make?
Jaffe: Not much.
[long pause]
Insp. Harry Callahan: Say Jaffe, is that tan Ford still parked across in front end of the depository financial institution?
Jaffe: Tan Ford ... Mmm mmm yep. Tan Ford.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Engine running?
Jaffe: I don't know. How tin can I tell?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Frazzle fumes coming out of the tailpipe.
Jaffe: Oh my God, that'due south awful! Expect at all that pollution.
Insp. Harry Callahan: Aye. Do me a favor. [gives him slip of newspaper] Call this telephone number.
Jaffe: Police force section?
Insp. Harry Callahan: Yeah. Tell them Inspector Callahan thinks there's a two-eleven in progress at the depository financial institution. Be sure and tell them that'south in progress.
Jaffe: In progress. Yes sir.
[goes to phone and starts dialing]
Insp. Harry Callahan: At present, if they'll just look for the cavalry to make it. [immediately, an warning bong goes off and a gunshot is heard] Ah, shit!

[After shooting several of the banking company-robbers and stopping their getaway car by shooting the driver, Inspector Callahan approaches the front steps of the bank. The banking company robber that Callahan shot first, wounding him and forcing him to driblet his shotgun, now makes an effort to retrieve it. He pauses every bit he sees Callahan approach, aiming his revolver.]
Callahan: I know what y'all're thinking: "Did he burn down half dozen shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. Merely existence this is a .44 Magnum, the nearly powerful handgun in the globe, and would blow your head clean off, yous've got to ask yourself one question: 'Practise I feel lucky?' Well, do y'all, punk?
[The thief gives up trying to retrieve his shotgun; Callahan picks it up and starts to walk away, lowering the hammer.]
Thief: Hey! [Callahan turns around] I gots to know...
[Callahan recocks and aims his revolver and pulls the trigger, just the gun merely clicks on an empty chamber, and he grins, laughs, and walks away.]
Thief: Son of a bitch...
  • Annotation: bolded portion is ranked #51 in the American Moving picture Institute's listing of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

Dr.: Sure, Harry. We tin can salve the leg. [takes out some scissors]
Callahan: What are y'all going to practise with those?
Md: Going to cut your pants off.
Callahan: No. I'll take them off.
Physician: Information technology'll hurt.
Callahan: For $29.50, let it hurt. You tin can turn your back if you're embarrassed ...

Gonzales: Why do they call ya "Dirty Harry"?
De Georgio: That's i affair nigh our Harry, he doesn't play whatever favorites. Harry hates everybody. Limeys, Micks, Hebes, Niggers, Honkies, Fat Dagos, Chinks, you name information technology.
Gonzales: How does he feel most Mexicans?
De Georgio: Ask him.
Callahan:(says with a flash) Specially Spics.

Callahan: These loonies. They ought to throw a net over the whole agglomeration of 'em.
Gonzales: I know what you mean.

Pedestrian: Hey, fruitcake, what practice you think you're doing?
Callahan: Get the hell out of the manner, hammerhead.

Thug 1: What's in the bag, human being?
Callahan: You dudes go lost at present, ya hear?
Thug 2: Spiral the bag.
Thug iii: Yep, just give us the wallet now.
(Harry clubs the 3rd thug with the bag, then kicks their pal in the face up, and so pulls his gun on the offset thug)
Callahan: (seething in desperation) You lot don't listen as well skillful, do ya, asshole?

Callahan: I'grand Callahan.
Young Human: My friends call me Alice, but I'll take a cartel.
Callahan: Well, Alice, when was the last time you were disrepair?
Young Man: If you're vice, I'll impale myself.
Callahan: Well, do it at dwelling!

Gonzalez: [virtually quitting the force] I've been doing a lot of thinking virtually it. I have a teaching credential and I figure, what for, you know?
Gonzalez'southward wife: I thought I could take it ... Whatsoever it takes to be a cop's married woman, I'm simply not sure I'm making information technology. He really tries and these bastards, you know, Sus scrofa this, Pig that. Ah, but maybe it's when I watch him walk out that door at night, and I think, what if this is the final time I always meet him again ... doesn't it bulldoze your wife crazy?
Callahan: Nope.
Gonzalez'south wife: You mean she got used to it.
Callahan: No, she never did really.
Gonzalez'due south married woman: Well, what then?
Callahan: She'southward dead.
Gonzalez's wife: Oh, please forgive me.
Callahan: She was driving dwelling house late one dark and a drunk crossed the eye line. At that place was no reason for it, really.
Gonzalez'due south wife: I'm so sorry.
Callahan: That's o.k. Look, I want you to tell Chico that I understand, y'all know, him quitting. I-I think he's right. This is no life for you lot two.
Gonzalez's married woman: Why do you stay in it then?
Callahan: I don't know, I really don't.

De Georgio: Illegal entry, no warrant.
Callahan: Looks like we climb.
De Georgio: Uh-uh. Also much linguine. I'll detect another way.

De Georgio: Yous demand whatever assist?
Callahan: Keep out and get some air, fatso.
De Georgio: You're the boss.
Scorpio: (bleeding through his leg from a bullet wound) Please no more, I'm hurt, can't you encounter I'chiliad injure? Y'all shot me, please don't, don't! Let me have a doc ... Please give me the doctor, don't kill me!
Callahan: The daughter, where is she?
Scorpio: You tried to kill me!
Callahan: If I tried that, your caput'd be splattered all over this field. At present where's the daughter?
Scorpio: I desire a lawyer!
Callahan: I said, where's the girl?
Scorpio: I have the correct for a lawyer.
Callahan: Where's the girl?
Scorpio: I accept the right for a lawyer, don't shoot me, I have rights, want a lawyer.......(now whimpers in pain every bit Harry steps on his injury, causing yet more suffering)

Commune Attorney: I've just been looking over your arrest report. A very unusual slice of constabulary piece of work. Really amazing.
Callahan: Yeah, well I had some luck.
District Attorney: You lot're lucky I'g not indicting yous for attack with intent to commit murder.
Callahan: What?!
District Attorney: Where the hell does it say you lot've got a right to kick down doors, torture suspects, deny medical attention and legal counsel. Where have you been? Does Escobedo band a bong? Miranda? I mean, you lot must have heard of the Fourth Amendment. What I'm maxim is, that man had rights.
Callahan: Well, I'm all "broken up" about that man's rights.
District Attorney: You should be. I've got news for yous, Callahan. As soon as he'due south well enough to leave the hospital, he walks.
Callahan: What are y'all talking about?
District Chaser: He'southward gratis.
Callahan: You mean you're letting him go?
District Attorney: We have to, we can't attempt him.
Callahan: And why is that?
Commune Chaser: Because I'm not wasting a half a million dollars of the taxpayer's money on a trial we tin can't possibly win. The problem is, we don't take any show.
Callahan: Evidence? What the hell do yous call that? [He gestures toward Scorpio's weapon]
District Chaser: I call it zero, zero.
Callahan: Are you trying to tell me that Ballistics can't match the bullet up to this rifle?
District Attorney: Information technology does non matter what Ballistics can do. This rifle might make a nice souvenir. But it's inadmissible as evidence.
Callahan: And who says that?
District Attorney: It's the law.
Callahan: Well then, the law is crazy!
District Chaser: This is Judge Bannerman of the appellate court. He also holds classes in Ramble Law in Berkeley. I've asked him for an stance — your Award?
Gauge Bannerman: Well, in my stance, the search of the suspect'due south quarters was illegal. Evidence obtained thereby, such as that hunting rifle, for instance, is inadmissible in courtroom. You lot should have gotten a search warrant. I'm sorry, but it's that uncomplicated.
Callahan: Search warrant!? At that place was a girl dying.
Commune Attorney: She was in fact expressionless according to the medical report.
Callahan: But I didn't know that.
Judge: The court would have to recognize the police force officer's legitimate business for the daughter'southward life, only at that place is no way they can possibly condone police torture. All prove concerning the daughter — the doubtable'southward confession, all physical prove — would have to be excluded.
Callahan: (sighs) There must be something you lot can get him on.
Judge: Without the bear witness of the gun and the girl, (half chuckles) I couldn't convict him of spitting on the sidewalk. No, the doubtable'due south rights were violated, under the Fourth and 5th and probably the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Callahan: And Anne Marie Deacon, what well-nigh her rights? I mean, she'south raped and left in a pigsty to die. Who speaks for her?
District Attorney: The District Attorney's office, if you lot'll allow the states. I've got a married woman and three kids. I don't desire him on the streets whatsoever more than you do.
Callahan: Well, he won't be out there long.
District Attorney: What is that supposed to mean?
Callahan: I mean sooner or later he's gonna stub his toe and and so I'll exist right there.
District Chaser: This role won't represent whatsoever harassment.
Callahan: Y'all know, you're crazy if you call back you've heard the last of this guy. He's gonna kill again.
District Attorney: How exercise you know?
Callahan: 'Cause he likes information technology.

Chief: Have y'all been following that human?
Callahan: Yep, I've been following him on my ain time. And anybody tin tell I didn't do that to him.
Chief: How?
Callahan: Cause he looks too damn good, that'south how!

Mayor: (on telephone) The jet must be fueled and ready to go in a one-half an hour. Skeleton crew, they must be volunteers. Tell them the man is dangerous. Well, hither, I'll read you this notation which was delivered at 8 o'clock this morning: "To the Urban center of San Francisco. You lot have double-crossed me for the concluding time. I'yard warning you to take my $200,000 in a jet aeroplane ready and waiting. I will call Mayor's function at 1 o'clock and tell you most the hostages who I will exist happy to kill if you don't practice exactly what I say, Scorpio" (pauses) Well, you better have somebody standing by — it could be a fake warning but don't count on information technology.

Scorpio: It'south very unproblematic. I've got the kids and yous start screwing around, the kids starting time dying. Is the plane ready?
Mayor: The jet is being fueled and ready to go at the airdrome. The money will exist there by the time you go there.
Scorpio: All right, at present listen and listen very carefully. I'm going to exist driving along nice and easy, just me and a bus load of kids. I'm going to turn off on the Sir Francis Drake Blvd. on my style to the Santa Rosa Airport. I don't desire to see any constabulary cars, helicopters, whatsoever. Now if you got the guts to play this game by the rules, the kids will have a prissy fiddling plane ride.
Mayor: Well, where are you going?
Scorpio: I'll tell the pilot when I go on the airplane. No alerts, nothin'.
Mayor: I guarantee y'all you volition not exist molested in any way. I give you my word of honor on information technology.

Chief: Callahan? — you willing to accept the money to him?
Callahan: When are you people gonna stop messing around with this guy. He's gotta be stopped now.
Mayor: He's got a bus load of kids and I tin can't take that chance. I gave my word of honor on it, and he will non be molested — and that's a direct guild, Callahan!
Callahan: Well, y'all can simply become yourself another delivery boy.

Scorpio: [singing] Row, row, row your boat/gently down the stream/merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ...
Double-decker Child: Where are we going?
Scorpio: What? What did you say?
Bus Kid: Where are we going?
Scorpio: Nosotros're going to the water ice-cream factory and run into how ice-foam'southward fabricated. At present anybody who doesn't wanna get can get off correct here.
Bus Kid: I wanna go habitation to my mommy.
Scorpio: [slaps the kid] Stupid child! Come on sing anybody! Sing or I'll go home and kill all your mommies, sing, sing!

[The Scorpio Killer holds an innocent child earnest at the edge of a cliff]
Scorpio: Drop the gun, creep!
[Callahan approaches Scorpio every bit the latter laughs manically]
Scorpio: I'll accident his brains out! [continues laughing manically]
[Callahan approaches Scorpio, .44 Magnum in hand]
Scorpio: Driblet the fucking gun!
[Callahan pretends to drop his gun, only to burn down information technology at Scorpio, who lets the kid go. Callahan then approaches the wounded Scorpio and points the gun at Scorpio, who is about to retrieve his]
Callahan: I know what y'all're thinking, punk. You're thinking "Did he burn down six shots or simply five?" At present, to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. Just being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and it volition blow your head clean off, you lot've gotta ask yourself a question: 'Do I feel lucky?
[Scorpio attempts to stand and catch his gun]
Callahan: Well, do ya, punk?
[Scorpio laughs maniacally and retrieves his gun in an attempt to shoot Callahan, only to be shot in the head and killed]

Misattributed [edit]

  • Become alee, brand my solar day.
    • The line "Go ahead, make my solar day" isn't uttered by Harry at any bespeak in the film. He instead first uttered it in 1983'southward Sudden Bear upon.
  • Exercise y'all feel lucky, punk?
    • The line actually said in the film is, "You've got to enquire yourself i question: 'Practise I feel lucky?' Well, do you, punk?"

Taglines [edit]

  • You don't assign him to murder cases - y'all just plow him loose.
  • Detective Harry Callahan. He doesn't break murder cases - he smashes them.
  • Dirty Harry and the homicidal maniac. Harry'south the 1 with the bluecoat.
  • Practise you feel lucky, punk?
  • With his .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, Dirty Harry wipes out offense to hell.
  • Clint Eastwood is "Dirty Harry". And male child, does he go all the dirty jobs.
  • Marvelous!

Bandage [edit]

  • Clint Eastwood — Insp. Harry Callahan
  • Harry Guardino — Lt. Al Bressler
  • Reni Santoni — Insp. Chico Gonzalez
  • John Vernon — The Mayor
  • Andrew Robinson — Scorpio Killer
  • John Larch — The Chief
  • John Mitchum — Insp. Frank DiGiorgio
  • Ruth Kobart — Jitney Driver
  • Woodrow Parfrey — Mr. Jaffe
  • Josef Sommer — Dist. Atty. William T. Rothko
  • William Paterson — Judge Bannerman
  • Curtis Mayfield — Thug who beats Scorpio (uncredited)

See also [edit]

  • Magnum Force (1973)
  • The Enforcer (1976)
  • Sudden Bear on (1983)
  • The Dead Pool (1988)

External links [edit]


  • Dirty Harry quotes at the Internet Movie Database
  • Dingy Harry at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Dirty Harry at
  • A guide to filming locations seen in Dirty Harry


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